“Stay at Home” employees

Now, more than ever, people need to work at home yet the tech department that helped many employees at work does not fully support them at home.

This lack of support often leads to frustration and growing issues.

This is where Brian of Howling Computer can step in and be that support. You don’t need to pay a tech to be there for you 24/7 like a large company, instead, you need to be able to access a tech when needed.

Brian will most often answer your calls and texts immediately, if unavailable, he will get back to you quickly. If your issue is urgent,-please say so in your message so we know how to prioritize.

We have the ability to remote into your computer to help you in a safe “Touch-less” way. If the computer cannot boot up, your options are either to bring in, have me come and pick it up, or, when needed, we can perform work on-site such as when your internet does not work.

Call today to find out how I can relieve your stress and make your computing experience much better!